Installation Instructions

You can install VSCode & Java using a fancy installer (it's been slower to download for me than getting things separately).

If you're on Linux or you have a newer M1 Mac, you likely also want to follow the manual instructions instead.

Fancy Installer:

If these work for you, you're done!

Manually get VSCode & Java & Java Extensions

  1. Go to and get Java 11 or Java 17 (doesn't matter)
    • I can help you figure out what versions you need; your browser should guess the right thing, though.
  2. Go to and get VSCode.
    • If you need to ask, you likely want 64-bit.
    • Again, ask for help on Slack if you get stuck.
  3. Install Java Extensions, by clicking install in your browser on that page... or:
    1. In VS Code, click the "Extensions" button on the left. (Looks like a bunch of squares).
    2. Type "java" in the search.
    3. Choose "Extension Pack for Java" (should be first!)
    4. Click the "Install" button.

Help, I'm stuck

Pop into the #general channel on Slack, or message me (Prof. Foley) directly. Email me if you haven't been invited to Slack:

Optional Installs:

We'll do these later, but feel free to get ahead (time-permitting in a future lab):